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Too close!!!!!!!!


A infected person that's in quintean


A dead zombie....


ways to tell if theres an outbreak

here are some ways to tell if an outbreak has occured.

1. if there is a press black out, this is often becuase the government is trying to cover something up and get it sorted out so that people will not panic.

2. if you here on the news of homocides where the victims have been shot in the head. or there is anything to do with biting.

3. the press will often blame attacks or attackers on a strand of mad cow disease or west nile.

if you are suspicious an outbreak has occured near you you MUST formulate a plan and get your equipment together. its important that you train yourself with your weapons and equipment so that you know what to do and how to use it.

 The following is a time table of what will happen after a person has been bitten by a Solanum-infected zombie:

Hour 1: Pain and discoloration (brown-purple) around the wound

 Hour 5: Fever (99-103 F). Chills, slight dementia, vomiting, acute pain in the joints.

Hour 8: numbing of extremities in the infected area. Increased fever (103-106F) increased dementia. Loss of muscle co-ordination.

Hour 11: Paralysis in the lower body, overall numbness, slowed heart rate.

Hour 16: Coma

Hour 20: Heart Failure. Zero brain activity. (Isolate immediately)

Hour 23: Re-animation. (Zombie)

The following are the 4 classes of the solanum virus.

1. the class one outbreak is usually very secluded. it will happen in a 3rd world country. the radius of such an outbraek would not exceed 20 miles. the number of infected will range from about 1 to 20. this outbraek will usually last only about 24 hours. class 1 outbreaks will usually not attract the press

2. the class 2 outbreak takes place in urban or densely populated areas. the amount of living dead will range from about 20 to 100. the radius of this outbreak will usually be no more than 100 miles. local law enforcement and civillians will be replaced with federal police, even a military presence such as the national gaurd would be present. this outbreak wil last no longer than a class 1. the military presence will take a more non combatent roll, to provide food and medical assistance as to not raise panic. the press will be attracted.  the story is most likely not going to be reported acurately.

3. the class 3 outbreak is a true crisis. zombies wil number in the 1000's the infectious radius wil be several hundreds of miles.the duration of this outbreak and the mop up will be as long as several months. there is no chance of the government covering anything up. the event will create to many eyewitnesses. the military and the federal police wil be involved in a full blown battle. regular military is called in. large military vehicles are also called in as well. excpect martial law, restricted travel, rationed supplies, federalized services, strictly monitored communication, and cerfews. its possible the military will set a cerfew such as the following: all people must be in their homes by 7:00 PM or they will be shot. this is a very effective way for the military to sort the zombies from the humans. riots will occur.

4. the class 4 outbreak is a hopeless outbreak. the doomsday. the undead would be the majority number on the planet. with maybe 10 to 70 000 living humans left. survival here is definitley not gaurunteed and it is porbable that the government has failed, the military has failed and the world has failed. this class will see no end. there will be no press to report this. 

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