1.it takes place in Nashville,TN.One manslugter the bodies were aten by some crazy person..... and their taking the bodies
50 miles away.It was a family of 3 all shot in the head.An arrerst was made and the guy said"They were dead and walking then
they tried to eat me so i shot them a couple of times in the chest but that didn't work so i shot them in the head and that
worked,then I ran".The cops let him go then read the Zombie Survival Guide By Max Brooks.Then they understanded
2.We don't when or where but a family of 4 was found in a unoccupied region.They were all shot 3 times in the body and
once in the head.My team of NMMZKI agents down to the scene I my self was down there it was bad.We walked 3 miles and found
the shooter and he was bitten in the leg and on hour:8;that's very bad we brought him back we let him live 8 more hours then
at hour 16 we shot him.We stoped him from turning into a zombie.Then there was at least 10 zombies.We killed them.This case
is still under investagtion.
3.This story takes place in WV,but we don't know.The zombies were just killing and dervoreing people.Four zombies that
a hunter found laying in the forest so he called the cops.They put them in Body Bags.Two of the four cops were complety Dervored!And
the other two........................................................................
were turned into zombies ,The four zombies in the body bags they got the hunter.We headed down there 25 zombies were
roming the steets.We killed all of them.This case is still under investagation.
4.This case takes place in a place were not sure of a swamp in WV we think any way.One of sercirty grards were on a trial
when he hears a loud scream and a moan so he goes in to the house and find the lady being devoterd by the zombie so we set
up 5 road blocks across the area at one we find an infected woman. She was in a coma when we found her then we killed
her.There was only zombie left so Michael killed it.