The test
Zombie Test 1. Zombies are Infected by a virus Called A. Solanum B. Cancer C. Cold 2.It takes how many hours to transform in to a zombie A.23 B.24 C.25 3.How many zombies are in a class 3 outbreak ?A.1000-1200 B.2000-2600 C. 300-400 4.Who is the writer of the “Zombie Survival Guide”? A. Nick Thompson B. Scott Turow C. Max Brooks 5.What is the best transportation for a zombie attack? A. Rifle B. Bicycle C. Car 6.How do you kill a zombie? A. Destroy Brain B. Run around in circle C. Kick in left shin 7.What is the best weapon to kill a zombie? A. Machine Gun B. Banana C. Silenced Rifle With Scope 8.What is the best place to go in a class 3? A. Graveyard B. Mall C. Army Base 9.What is the dooms day outbreak ? A. Class 1 B. Class 464 C. Class 4
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